Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Season 2: Episode 26 "Moon Over Point Place"

The gang and I are hanging in Eric's basement when Jackie barges in. She tells us all about how she got an advance copy of the yearbook. Jackie, obsessed with herself, asks Hyde if he wants to look a picture of her in the yearbook. Suddenly, while Eric is looking through the yearbook, he finds in one of the photos a butt. Everyone gathers around to look. Jackie is upset that someone ruined a picture of her while Eric further investigates whose butt it is. When he finds out it is Donna's he becomes upset that his girlfriend would show her butt in the yearbook.

When we leave the basement, Hyde and I head to his work. When we get there Jackie is asking for Hyde. I can tell Hyde doesn't want to be around her so I let him know that we should just not go to work today. The boss won't care either cause he is very laid back. So Hyde and I head back to the basement.

Well, lucky for us, Jackie followed us back to the basement and now she is sitting in the circle with Donna, Laurie, Hyde, and I. While we are toking, Donna say she loves shaking her butt around and Laurie says to not flaunt it too much or else they will call you a homewrecker. I'm laughing cause I know Laurie has been many homewreckers before. Hyde says to not worry about name-calling here because no one is going to judge anyone in the circle. My stomach starts to growl so I leave the circle and go meet up with Eric at The Hub.

Donna and I both arrive at the same time. Eric tells us that the yearbooks are out and no one has said a thing about the butt picture. I think Eric is about to get over the whole butt thing when all of the sudden another student gets up on a chair and says that there is a picture of Donna's butt in the yearbook. Oh great, Eric is never going to get passed this. I tell him we should head back to his place to avoid the commotion. But before I leave, I bump into Hyde and Jackie. Jackie is trying to get Hyde's attention by getting him to do things with her. I can tell Hyde is starting to become really annoyed with her and if she doesn't back off soon Hyde is going to blow up. Hyde let's Jackie know that they have nothing in common and Jackie takes off.

Upon arriving to Eric's place, Donna tells Eric that she can do what she wants with her body. Eric feels like she should have more modesty and Donna calls him a prude. Damn, Eric. She called you a prude! What are you going to do about that? Well Eric pulls down his pants and proves that he is no prude. However, Donna and Eric's parents are there and they see the whole thing. I'm sorry, Eric, things just keep getting worse for you. I'm just gonna leave before things get too messy.

I hit up a bar with Hyde and after a few drinks we decide to leave. While we exit through the back door, Jackie is there waiting for Hyde. She is starting to act like a creep. But she let's us know that she can be on the wrong side of the law too. She brings out a brown paper bag full of weed. Wow, that's a a lot! Then, a policeman shows up and looks in the bag. He is about to take Jackie but Hyde confesses that the bag is his. The policeman takes him and Jackie says she will wait for him until he gets out. Good going, Jackie. Now Hyde is in jail. I wonder how the rest of the gang is going to react.

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