Monday, December 19, 2016

Season 2: Episode 22 "Jackie Moves On"

With everyone, except Jackie, hanging out in Eric's basement, Fez asks Kelso if he can go out with her. Kelso, who is still in love with Jackie, says no but Fez seems determined to still try. When Eric and I head upstairs, we see Laurie, Eric's sister, and his mom and dad. Eric and Laurie are having an argument like they always do and I'm just there to watch. Eric wins the quarrel with Laurie but is interrupted by his dad, Red. Red tells Kitty that they have a dinner reservation for two at a fancy French restaurant.

Afterwards, I go and hangout with Fez as he is about to call Jackie to go on a date with him. Jackie says yes but also questions about Kelso. It seems that Kelso and Jackie can't stop thinking about each other. I think they should both move on. I know they had really strong feelings for each other but they don't always have to think about each other. While I sit here thinking about that, Fez hangs up the phone and lands a date with Jackie.

I head back to Eric's place to grab something I forgot and when I get into the kitchen I see Laurie and Hyde talking about Eric and how we won the put-down contest between him and Laurie. Eric walks in right after she says that and he thinks they are talking about him. Typical Eric, always thinking it is about him.

I catch up with Fez and Jackie on their dinner date. I'm about to sit down with them when I realize that I should probably just leave them alone. Besides, Jackie is eating like a pig.

Fez, after his dinner with Jackie, comes back to the basement where Kelso asks if he kissed her. Threatening Fez, Fez says all he wanted to do was give Jackie a napkin because her face was being stuffed with food. Eric, who is still stuck on the the whole thing earlier asks Hyde what Laurie said about him. Eric, who is self-centered a bit, confesses that he was given the name Dr. Peepee when he was at camp. All of us start to laugh while Kelso pokes more fun at Eric. Eric comes back at Kelso remembering a name given to him, Big Chief Brown Bottom. Kelso shuts up and I'm left there in tears trying to hold back my laughs. Laurie comes down a bit later and another put-down contest is displayed. This time, Eric goes to far and reveals a big secret of Laurie's: she has a tail. With that, She runs out of the basement and back into the house. Good job, Eric. You won. Are you happy now?

Word gets out and Hyde tells Kelso, who slept with Laurie. Kelso becomes worried from the disturbing news and Eric begins to feel bad for saying that about Laurie. Suddenly, Jackie shows up and wants to talk to Fez. I'm beginning to feel a fight coming on between Fez and Kelso since Kelso is still in love with Jackie. Jackie says she appreciates that he took her out and she apologizes for not being her super cute self. She wants to stay friends with Fez and I feel bad for him, but it's probably for the best since no friendships will be destroyed. However, Fez gets a kiss out of it and still gets to keep all of his friendships. Everything worked out pretty well in the end for my friend, Fez.

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