Monday, December 19, 2016

Season 2: Episode 21 "Kelso's Serenade"

After a break from my friends in the '70s, I came back to see how they were all doing. I meet up with Eric and Donna who just finished up doing their thing. Eric and I are about to go see a movie with the rest of the guys and tells Donna that she can come too. Donna says she's okay but seems upset that Eric is going to just leave her all of a sudden. Eric insists that she comes but she is clearly upset about something more than going to see the movie. We leave to go catch the movie. Eric can't tell that something is wrong with Donna.

The next morning, Eric's mom, Kitty, serves us all Swedish pancakes. This is a treat and from what I have been hearing from the talk of the table, it usually means we are about to do something that no one wants to do. As soon as we all take our first bite, Kitty tells us we are going to visit Aunt Pearl at the nursing home. Great, I can't wait to see old Aunt Pearl.

After we finish our breakfast, Hyde, Eric, Fez, Kelso, and I go down to the basement to take a couple of tokes. Kelso is still heart broken from his break up with Jackie. He looks as if he has not been taking care of himself. He also smells pretty bad. Kelso gets an idea that might be able to win Jackie back: through a song. Maybe this can work. But honestly, he cheated on her so I don't think he does deserve her back. Hyde gives Kelso some lyrics but they are very blunt lyrics about Kelso cheating on Jackie. Kelso starts to cry and we all tell him that there is no crying in the circle. 

Hanging out with Hyde and Jackie, Jackie talks to Hyde about how they are both alone so they should be alone together. First, Hyde would never want to be alone with Jackie and second, Hyde doesn't really mind being alone. However, Jackie hooks Hyde but getting him to go with her to Sizzler's for the all you can food. Hyde and I head out with Jackie because who can say no to all you can eat? Especially if she is going to pay for it all.

On our way to Sizzler's, I see Fez, Eric, and Kelso. I tell Hyde and Jackie that I'll catch up with them later. Kelso shows us his song that he has bee writing for Jackie and it's not that great. Donna shows up and the first thing Eric says to her is to go get him a root beer. Jeez, I feel like Eric is about to get his butt kicked by Donna. She let's him know that she is not a servant of his and storms out. We head back to Eric's place and try to let him know that women are in control of us men. Eric can't get that passed his head so I try not to fight him. 

I head out and catch up with Jackie and Hyde. They are heading back into the car and I can see them talking about something. I think Jackie bought Hyde boots. I catch Hyde saying that he hung out with her this one time to try and cheer her up and that he was not going to hang out with her every day. She starts to cry and Hyde comforts her. Next thing I know and Jackie kisses Hyde! What the hell was that?! I need to go tell the guys.

When I get back to the basement, Kelso is there playing his song to Jackie. It really is an awful song and Fez and I tell him to stop. I'm about to let the guys know what happened when Jackie steps up to Hyde, thanks him for a special night, kisses him on the cheek, and leaves. Everyone is shocked and Hyde shows his new boots. I feel a huge amount of tension so I head upstairs where Eric, Red, and Fez are.

Fez tells Eric's dad about what happened and he laughs knowing that Eric screwed up. We all tell Eric to just grow a pair and tell Donna that he is sorry for blowing her off. Finally, Eric calls Donna to meet up and they talk it out. Eric apologizes and they make up. After they settle everything they Donna says she is hanging out with Jackie and asks Eric if he wants to go with her. The tables are turned and now Eric knows what it feels like to be blown off. Eric, you had this coming to you the entire time.

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