Monday, December 19, 2016

Season 2: Episode 24 "Red Fired Up"

Eric, Donna, Hyde, Fez, Kelso, and I are hanging out in the basement when Red comes down and yells at Eric. They are both dressed very similar so it is probably work-related. Next, Jackie walks in and Kelso gives her a lot of attention. Jackie brushes it off and heads upstairs. I'm sure both Jackie and Kelso pretend to not like seeing each other but I think they both secretly like the attention from one another.

At work, Eric is talking to Red about a few things that need to be taken care of around the store. Eric tells him that he has already taken care of it and it shocks Red that it has been done. He tells Eric good job for taken the initiative and Eric looks at Red with a confused face. I stood there confused just as much as Eric because of what he said. He never gives Eric any compliments. When Earl, another co-worker, comes in late, Red asks where he has been. Earl gives another excuse about why he was tardy again but Red tells him to shut it and be more like Eric. When Earl leaves, Eric makes a joke and Red laughs and says something nice to him again. This causes me and Eric to think something is wrong with Red, when in fact, Earl is just more of a dumbass (Red's favorite word) than Eric.

While Eric is at work with his dad, Kelso is shooting hoops by himself and Donna walks by. Kelso says he is lonely and wants to talk to Donna about Jackie. Donna thinks this is funny sparking a question within Kelso. He dumbly asks why they aren't back together and is told that he cheated on Jackie. Kelso responds in a dumb fashion and continues to shoot hoops by himself a little longer.

Dinner rolls around and Eric, Hyde, Kitty, Red, and I are gathered around the table. Eric talks about his day at work. He seems happy that he was not at the bad end of the stick for Red. He usually is being talked down upon by Red but today changed. Red and Eric were both equals and it was a pleasant surprise. There was no name calling at the dinner table allowing for a peaceful meal.

Great, now Laurie is in the basement. The gang and I were just kicking it down here but now she's here. Why? Because Kelso thought it would be a good idea to move on to the girl he cheated with when he was with Jackie. Man, Kelso is an idiot. This definitely spells disaster when Jackie finds out.

Now, I am sitting here with Kelso and Hyde and Hyde is giving a talk to Kelso about not being stupid by dating Laurie. Kelso is as dumb as a rock but I'm not sure if he will listen or remember anything Hyde says. I just hope he doesn't make things worse than it needs to be.

Back at the work place, Eric and Red are talking when Earl shows up late again. Red seems pissed off and send Eric and I on our break. We, curious to hear what he has to say to Earl, listen outside the door. Man oh man, did Red get really pissed off at Earl. I can't believe some of the things he said. When we get back home Eric is straight up with Red. I have never seen Eric stand up to his father but he did today. I agree with Eric, Earl was the one who got picked on but now that he is fired Eric goes back to being the one Red hates on. Oh well, Sorry, Eric.

Lastly, we head down to the basement to chill out and Laurie comes in with Kelso. Tension is high with Jackie there and the two girls have a stand-off. Laurie tells Jackie to watch her back and Jackie responds with the greatest comeback of all time. She tells Laurie to not spend so much time on hers. Boom! In her face. Man, that must have felt good. I'm glad Jackie stood up to Laurie. Even though the two are mean, I like Jackie more.

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