Monday, December 19, 2016

Season 2: Episode 23 "Holy Crap!"

Sitting at the kitchen table with Eric's family, we see Kitty in her nurse outfit and tells us that we are going to have to go to church without her. Eric and Laurie don't want to go but Kitty still wants them to. I know if we are expected go by ourselves, Kitty can expect us to not go at all. Eric asks why Red doesn't have to go ever. Red explains that him and God had a heart to heart when he saw his destroyer blow up in the war. That's a good enough explanation for me. I know Red has seen some things that I would not be able to stomach. With that Eric, Laurie, and I go to the driveway. Laurie keeps going and decides to not go to church. Eric and I are still wondering what we should do.

Turns out we are just as bad as Laurie. Eric and I skip church and go to one of the hot spots: "The Hub". We hang out with Kelso, Hyde and Fez and talk about what Kelso can do now that he isn't with Jackie... like growing a beard. Fez seems interested in growing a beard with Kelso but he doesn't want him to. Why you got to be so mean Kelso?

Upon returning home with Eric and Laurie, we talk to Red and Kitty about church. They ask how church was but from the start they knew that we didn't go to church. Laurie, being the big time liar she is, says Eric wouldn't give her a ride. However, Kitty thinks that we are old enough to make our own decisions about going to church. Personally, it is my choice not to go.

A week later and we see the progress on Kelso's beard. It is very patchy and has hardly come in at all. Jackie says he looks like a hobo and I laugh to myself. Then Fez walks in with his beard. His beard is fantastic and fully grown out. There is no competition between Fez and Hyde's beard. Fez wins by a landslide. Kelso gets upset and leaves as everyone starts to compare the two beards. Next thing to happen is Laurie shows up with Kitty and they are arguing about going to church. Eric gets dragged in and brings up the point of having a choice. But Kitty doesn't care, she expects the two to make the right decision. However, they don't.

So, Kitty has all of us gathered in the living room to listen to the youth pastor give his sermon, in the house. Personally I don't want to be here with Hyde not into religion and Laurie hitting on the pastor, tension is just high and weird.

The next Sunday comes around and we are all in our PJs not wanting to go to church. However Kitty finds a way for us to go. Now we are going to church. Perfect.

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