Monday, December 19, 2016

Season 2: Episode 25 "Cat Fight Club"

With Jackie, Hyde, Fez, Eric, and I playing monopoly in the basement Laurie and Kelso walk in. Fantastic, something is about to go down. Both Jackie and Laurie start exchanging come backs but Laurie ends it by saying she will see Kelso tonight. Ouch, that probably hurt Jackie.

With mostly everyone out of the basement, Hyde and Jackie are alone. Jackie, still fuming from Laurie, wants to get back at her. Hyde, the one with a clear mind, let's Jackie know that there is a way for her to deal with Laurie in another way: by being zen. Hyde tells her that if she is cool, that will make Laurie even more mad than witty comebacks. I hope he can teach her the ways of being zen.

While those two are in the basement, Eric, Donna, and Kelso are outside shooting hoops. Eric doesn't want Kelso to come to dinner cause Red will surely be upset about Laurie dating him. I know I would like to see Red kick Kelso's ass. I wouldn't stop the fight because I will be laughing too hard to do anything.

In the meantime, Hyde works with Jackie to become more zen-like. She isn't completely getting it but in due time I think she can work it all out. When Donna comes in she tries being zen and it works. She becomes excited and Hyde looks on with approval.

It's dinner time and Kelso shows up late, confusing Red and Kitty. Kelso brings chocolates for Laurie but they are snatched from him by Eric to prevent his dad from figuring out that Kelso and Laurie are dating. Things are getting intense at the dinner table as Kelso gives a six pack to Red with one can missing. Kelso is not sly at all. It is super obvious that he drank the other beer. What an idiot. After dinner, Eric, Hyde, Fez, and Jackie are smoking in the basement. I sum it up to de-stressing after the dinner since there was so much tension at the beginning of it. After Kelso ran out it didn't seem to bad of a meal.

When Red asks for Kelso a little while later, I imagine he is going to get the crap beat out of him. But I think Red won't do that. I think Red is going to intimidate Kelso so Red doesn't really have to deal with him. I know if Red intimidated me it would work!

With Red and Kelso in the garage, the rest of the gang is in the basement when Laurie enters. At this point I am hoping that Jackie has perfected her zen technique. Laurie says some crude comments and Jackie just brushes her off like nothing. So far, so good! Laurie says one last thing about holding on to Kelso and I'm thinking if she can hold it together then she is in the clear.

Nope. Jackie gets up and tackles Laurie causing a fight. I'm gathered around with the others to watch it happen. I'm rooting for Jackie and as it unfolds Jackie gets up and kicks Laurie out. Jackie kicked Laurie's ass giving her a black eye! Man, that looks like it felt good. I used to not really care for Jackie but she is getting cooler the more I get to know her. At the end of it, she suggests that they all sit down in a circle and do that thing (smoke). I couldn't agree more, Jackie. You deserve it.

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