Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Season 2: Episode 26 "Moon Over Point Place"

The gang and I are hanging in Eric's basement when Jackie barges in. She tells us all about how she got an advance copy of the yearbook. Jackie, obsessed with herself, asks Hyde if he wants to look a picture of her in the yearbook. Suddenly, while Eric is looking through the yearbook, he finds in one of the photos a butt. Everyone gathers around to look. Jackie is upset that someone ruined a picture of her while Eric further investigates whose butt it is. When he finds out it is Donna's he becomes upset that his girlfriend would show her butt in the yearbook.

When we leave the basement, Hyde and I head to his work. When we get there Jackie is asking for Hyde. I can tell Hyde doesn't want to be around her so I let him know that we should just not go to work today. The boss won't care either cause he is very laid back. So Hyde and I head back to the basement.

Well, lucky for us, Jackie followed us back to the basement and now she is sitting in the circle with Donna, Laurie, Hyde, and I. While we are toking, Donna say she loves shaking her butt around and Laurie says to not flaunt it too much or else they will call you a homewrecker. I'm laughing cause I know Laurie has been many homewreckers before. Hyde says to not worry about name-calling here because no one is going to judge anyone in the circle. My stomach starts to growl so I leave the circle and go meet up with Eric at The Hub.

Donna and I both arrive at the same time. Eric tells us that the yearbooks are out and no one has said a thing about the butt picture. I think Eric is about to get over the whole butt thing when all of the sudden another student gets up on a chair and says that there is a picture of Donna's butt in the yearbook. Oh great, Eric is never going to get passed this. I tell him we should head back to his place to avoid the commotion. But before I leave, I bump into Hyde and Jackie. Jackie is trying to get Hyde's attention by getting him to do things with her. I can tell Hyde is starting to become really annoyed with her and if she doesn't back off soon Hyde is going to blow up. Hyde let's Jackie know that they have nothing in common and Jackie takes off.

Upon arriving to Eric's place, Donna tells Eric that she can do what she wants with her body. Eric feels like she should have more modesty and Donna calls him a prude. Damn, Eric. She called you a prude! What are you going to do about that? Well Eric pulls down his pants and proves that he is no prude. However, Donna and Eric's parents are there and they see the whole thing. I'm sorry, Eric, things just keep getting worse for you. I'm just gonna leave before things get too messy.

I hit up a bar with Hyde and after a few drinks we decide to leave. While we exit through the back door, Jackie is there waiting for Hyde. She is starting to act like a creep. But she let's us know that she can be on the wrong side of the law too. She brings out a brown paper bag full of weed. Wow, that's a a lot! Then, a policeman shows up and looks in the bag. He is about to take Jackie but Hyde confesses that the bag is his. The policeman takes him and Jackie says she will wait for him until he gets out. Good going, Jackie. Now Hyde is in jail. I wonder how the rest of the gang is going to react.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Season 2: Episode 25 "Cat Fight Club"

With Jackie, Hyde, Fez, Eric, and I playing monopoly in the basement Laurie and Kelso walk in. Fantastic, something is about to go down. Both Jackie and Laurie start exchanging come backs but Laurie ends it by saying she will see Kelso tonight. Ouch, that probably hurt Jackie.

With mostly everyone out of the basement, Hyde and Jackie are alone. Jackie, still fuming from Laurie, wants to get back at her. Hyde, the one with a clear mind, let's Jackie know that there is a way for her to deal with Laurie in another way: by being zen. Hyde tells her that if she is cool, that will make Laurie even more mad than witty comebacks. I hope he can teach her the ways of being zen.

While those two are in the basement, Eric, Donna, and Kelso are outside shooting hoops. Eric doesn't want Kelso to come to dinner cause Red will surely be upset about Laurie dating him. I know I would like to see Red kick Kelso's ass. I wouldn't stop the fight because I will be laughing too hard to do anything.

In the meantime, Hyde works with Jackie to become more zen-like. She isn't completely getting it but in due time I think she can work it all out. When Donna comes in she tries being zen and it works. She becomes excited and Hyde looks on with approval.

It's dinner time and Kelso shows up late, confusing Red and Kitty. Kelso brings chocolates for Laurie but they are snatched from him by Eric to prevent his dad from figuring out that Kelso and Laurie are dating. Things are getting intense at the dinner table as Kelso gives a six pack to Red with one can missing. Kelso is not sly at all. It is super obvious that he drank the other beer. What an idiot. After dinner, Eric, Hyde, Fez, and Jackie are smoking in the basement. I sum it up to de-stressing after the dinner since there was so much tension at the beginning of it. After Kelso ran out it didn't seem to bad of a meal.

When Red asks for Kelso a little while later, I imagine he is going to get the crap beat out of him. But I think Red won't do that. I think Red is going to intimidate Kelso so Red doesn't really have to deal with him. I know if Red intimidated me it would work!

With Red and Kelso in the garage, the rest of the gang is in the basement when Laurie enters. At this point I am hoping that Jackie has perfected her zen technique. Laurie says some crude comments and Jackie just brushes her off like nothing. So far, so good! Laurie says one last thing about holding on to Kelso and I'm thinking if she can hold it together then she is in the clear.

Nope. Jackie gets up and tackles Laurie causing a fight. I'm gathered around with the others to watch it happen. I'm rooting for Jackie and as it unfolds Jackie gets up and kicks Laurie out. Jackie kicked Laurie's ass giving her a black eye! Man, that looks like it felt good. I used to not really care for Jackie but she is getting cooler the more I get to know her. At the end of it, she suggests that they all sit down in a circle and do that thing (smoke). I couldn't agree more, Jackie. You deserve it.

Season 2: Episode 24 "Red Fired Up"

Eric, Donna, Hyde, Fez, Kelso, and I are hanging out in the basement when Red comes down and yells at Eric. They are both dressed very similar so it is probably work-related. Next, Jackie walks in and Kelso gives her a lot of attention. Jackie brushes it off and heads upstairs. I'm sure both Jackie and Kelso pretend to not like seeing each other but I think they both secretly like the attention from one another.

At work, Eric is talking to Red about a few things that need to be taken care of around the store. Eric tells him that he has already taken care of it and it shocks Red that it has been done. He tells Eric good job for taken the initiative and Eric looks at Red with a confused face. I stood there confused just as much as Eric because of what he said. He never gives Eric any compliments. When Earl, another co-worker, comes in late, Red asks where he has been. Earl gives another excuse about why he was tardy again but Red tells him to shut it and be more like Eric. When Earl leaves, Eric makes a joke and Red laughs and says something nice to him again. This causes me and Eric to think something is wrong with Red, when in fact, Earl is just more of a dumbass (Red's favorite word) than Eric.

While Eric is at work with his dad, Kelso is shooting hoops by himself and Donna walks by. Kelso says he is lonely and wants to talk to Donna about Jackie. Donna thinks this is funny sparking a question within Kelso. He dumbly asks why they aren't back together and is told that he cheated on Jackie. Kelso responds in a dumb fashion and continues to shoot hoops by himself a little longer.

Dinner rolls around and Eric, Hyde, Kitty, Red, and I are gathered around the table. Eric talks about his day at work. He seems happy that he was not at the bad end of the stick for Red. He usually is being talked down upon by Red but today changed. Red and Eric were both equals and it was a pleasant surprise. There was no name calling at the dinner table allowing for a peaceful meal.

Great, now Laurie is in the basement. The gang and I were just kicking it down here but now she's here. Why? Because Kelso thought it would be a good idea to move on to the girl he cheated with when he was with Jackie. Man, Kelso is an idiot. This definitely spells disaster when Jackie finds out.

Now, I am sitting here with Kelso and Hyde and Hyde is giving a talk to Kelso about not being stupid by dating Laurie. Kelso is as dumb as a rock but I'm not sure if he will listen or remember anything Hyde says. I just hope he doesn't make things worse than it needs to be.

Back at the work place, Eric and Red are talking when Earl shows up late again. Red seems pissed off and send Eric and I on our break. We, curious to hear what he has to say to Earl, listen outside the door. Man oh man, did Red get really pissed off at Earl. I can't believe some of the things he said. When we get back home Eric is straight up with Red. I have never seen Eric stand up to his father but he did today. I agree with Eric, Earl was the one who got picked on but now that he is fired Eric goes back to being the one Red hates on. Oh well, Sorry, Eric.

Lastly, we head down to the basement to chill out and Laurie comes in with Kelso. Tension is high with Jackie there and the two girls have a stand-off. Laurie tells Jackie to watch her back and Jackie responds with the greatest comeback of all time. She tells Laurie to not spend so much time on hers. Boom! In her face. Man, that must have felt good. I'm glad Jackie stood up to Laurie. Even though the two are mean, I like Jackie more.

Season 2: Episode 23 "Holy Crap!"

Sitting at the kitchen table with Eric's family, we see Kitty in her nurse outfit and tells us that we are going to have to go to church without her. Eric and Laurie don't want to go but Kitty still wants them to. I know if we are expected go by ourselves, Kitty can expect us to not go at all. Eric asks why Red doesn't have to go ever. Red explains that him and God had a heart to heart when he saw his destroyer blow up in the war. That's a good enough explanation for me. I know Red has seen some things that I would not be able to stomach. With that Eric, Laurie, and I go to the driveway. Laurie keeps going and decides to not go to church. Eric and I are still wondering what we should do.

Turns out we are just as bad as Laurie. Eric and I skip church and go to one of the hot spots: "The Hub". We hang out with Kelso, Hyde and Fez and talk about what Kelso can do now that he isn't with Jackie... like growing a beard. Fez seems interested in growing a beard with Kelso but he doesn't want him to. Why you got to be so mean Kelso?

Upon returning home with Eric and Laurie, we talk to Red and Kitty about church. They ask how church was but from the start they knew that we didn't go to church. Laurie, being the big time liar she is, says Eric wouldn't give her a ride. However, Kitty thinks that we are old enough to make our own decisions about going to church. Personally, it is my choice not to go.

A week later and we see the progress on Kelso's beard. It is very patchy and has hardly come in at all. Jackie says he looks like a hobo and I laugh to myself. Then Fez walks in with his beard. His beard is fantastic and fully grown out. There is no competition between Fez and Hyde's beard. Fez wins by a landslide. Kelso gets upset and leaves as everyone starts to compare the two beards. Next thing to happen is Laurie shows up with Kitty and they are arguing about going to church. Eric gets dragged in and brings up the point of having a choice. But Kitty doesn't care, she expects the two to make the right decision. However, they don't.

So, Kitty has all of us gathered in the living room to listen to the youth pastor give his sermon, in the house. Personally I don't want to be here with Hyde not into religion and Laurie hitting on the pastor, tension is just high and weird.

The next Sunday comes around and we are all in our PJs not wanting to go to church. However Kitty finds a way for us to go. Now we are going to church. Perfect.

Season 2: Episode 22 "Jackie Moves On"

With everyone, except Jackie, hanging out in Eric's basement, Fez asks Kelso if he can go out with her. Kelso, who is still in love with Jackie, says no but Fez seems determined to still try. When Eric and I head upstairs, we see Laurie, Eric's sister, and his mom and dad. Eric and Laurie are having an argument like they always do and I'm just there to watch. Eric wins the quarrel with Laurie but is interrupted by his dad, Red. Red tells Kitty that they have a dinner reservation for two at a fancy French restaurant.

Afterwards, I go and hangout with Fez as he is about to call Jackie to go on a date with him. Jackie says yes but also questions about Kelso. It seems that Kelso and Jackie can't stop thinking about each other. I think they should both move on. I know they had really strong feelings for each other but they don't always have to think about each other. While I sit here thinking about that, Fez hangs up the phone and lands a date with Jackie.

I head back to Eric's place to grab something I forgot and when I get into the kitchen I see Laurie and Hyde talking about Eric and how we won the put-down contest between him and Laurie. Eric walks in right after she says that and he thinks they are talking about him. Typical Eric, always thinking it is about him.

I catch up with Fez and Jackie on their dinner date. I'm about to sit down with them when I realize that I should probably just leave them alone. Besides, Jackie is eating like a pig.

Fez, after his dinner with Jackie, comes back to the basement where Kelso asks if he kissed her. Threatening Fez, Fez says all he wanted to do was give Jackie a napkin because her face was being stuffed with food. Eric, who is still stuck on the the whole thing earlier asks Hyde what Laurie said about him. Eric, who is self-centered a bit, confesses that he was given the name Dr. Peepee when he was at camp. All of us start to laugh while Kelso pokes more fun at Eric. Eric comes back at Kelso remembering a name given to him, Big Chief Brown Bottom. Kelso shuts up and I'm left there in tears trying to hold back my laughs. Laurie comes down a bit later and another put-down contest is displayed. This time, Eric goes to far and reveals a big secret of Laurie's: she has a tail. With that, She runs out of the basement and back into the house. Good job, Eric. You won. Are you happy now?

Word gets out and Hyde tells Kelso, who slept with Laurie. Kelso becomes worried from the disturbing news and Eric begins to feel bad for saying that about Laurie. Suddenly, Jackie shows up and wants to talk to Fez. I'm beginning to feel a fight coming on between Fez and Kelso since Kelso is still in love with Jackie. Jackie says she appreciates that he took her out and she apologizes for not being her super cute self. She wants to stay friends with Fez and I feel bad for him, but it's probably for the best since no friendships will be destroyed. However, Fez gets a kiss out of it and still gets to keep all of his friendships. Everything worked out pretty well in the end for my friend, Fez.

Season 2: Episode 21 "Kelso's Serenade"

After a break from my friends in the '70s, I came back to see how they were all doing. I meet up with Eric and Donna who just finished up doing their thing. Eric and I are about to go see a movie with the rest of the guys and tells Donna that she can come too. Donna says she's okay but seems upset that Eric is going to just leave her all of a sudden. Eric insists that she comes but she is clearly upset about something more than going to see the movie. We leave to go catch the movie. Eric can't tell that something is wrong with Donna.

The next morning, Eric's mom, Kitty, serves us all Swedish pancakes. This is a treat and from what I have been hearing from the talk of the table, it usually means we are about to do something that no one wants to do. As soon as we all take our first bite, Kitty tells us we are going to visit Aunt Pearl at the nursing home. Great, I can't wait to see old Aunt Pearl.

After we finish our breakfast, Hyde, Eric, Fez, Kelso, and I go down to the basement to take a couple of tokes. Kelso is still heart broken from his break up with Jackie. He looks as if he has not been taking care of himself. He also smells pretty bad. Kelso gets an idea that might be able to win Jackie back: through a song. Maybe this can work. But honestly, he cheated on her so I don't think he does deserve her back. Hyde gives Kelso some lyrics but they are very blunt lyrics about Kelso cheating on Jackie. Kelso starts to cry and we all tell him that there is no crying in the circle. 

Hanging out with Hyde and Jackie, Jackie talks to Hyde about how they are both alone so they should be alone together. First, Hyde would never want to be alone with Jackie and second, Hyde doesn't really mind being alone. However, Jackie hooks Hyde but getting him to go with her to Sizzler's for the all you can food. Hyde and I head out with Jackie because who can say no to all you can eat? Especially if she is going to pay for it all.

On our way to Sizzler's, I see Fez, Eric, and Kelso. I tell Hyde and Jackie that I'll catch up with them later. Kelso shows us his song that he has bee writing for Jackie and it's not that great. Donna shows up and the first thing Eric says to her is to go get him a root beer. Jeez, I feel like Eric is about to get his butt kicked by Donna. She let's him know that she is not a servant of his and storms out. We head back to Eric's place and try to let him know that women are in control of us men. Eric can't get that passed his head so I try not to fight him. 

I head out and catch up with Jackie and Hyde. They are heading back into the car and I can see them talking about something. I think Jackie bought Hyde boots. I catch Hyde saying that he hung out with her this one time to try and cheer her up and that he was not going to hang out with her every day. She starts to cry and Hyde comforts her. Next thing I know and Jackie kisses Hyde! What the hell was that?! I need to go tell the guys.

When I get back to the basement, Kelso is there playing his song to Jackie. It really is an awful song and Fez and I tell him to stop. I'm about to let the guys know what happened when Jackie steps up to Hyde, thanks him for a special night, kisses him on the cheek, and leaves. Everyone is shocked and Hyde shows his new boots. I feel a huge amount of tension so I head upstairs where Eric, Red, and Fez are.

Fez tells Eric's dad about what happened and he laughs knowing that Eric screwed up. We all tell Eric to just grow a pair and tell Donna that he is sorry for blowing her off. Finally, Eric calls Donna to meet up and they talk it out. Eric apologizes and they make up. After they settle everything they Donna says she is hanging out with Jackie and asks Eric if he wants to go with her. The tables are turned and now Eric knows what it feels like to be blown off. Eric, you had this coming to you the entire time.