Monday, November 21, 2016

Season 2: Episode 19 "Parents Find Out"

When Eric and Donna get caught making love in the back of the car and is brought back to Eric's house by the police, I am caught in the middle of a situation where Eric tries to weasel his way out of telling his parents that they were doing things. I try to tell Eric that lying is not going to get him out of his current situation and that he should come forward with the truth. Nope, Red, Eric's dad, knows all to well what happened and wants them to come clean. Donna, being the clear-headed of the two, tells Red that they are adults and they made the decision. I agree with Donna but before she can go any further Red tells her to tell her parents. Donna goes home at dinner and tries to let them know but she ends up lying to her parents and she puts herself in a bigger hole than Eric.

Meanwhile, Kitty is having a bad dream about her little boy growing up and becoming obsessed with sex. She thinks that Eric only wants to have sex with Donna and does not need his mother for anything but when Red wakes her up he asks her to get out of bed because it was three in the afternoon. She thinks that Red is accusing her because as a nurse she would always showing Eric anatomical diagrams and pictures. Red shows himself out realizing it probably best to leave and Kitty goes underneath the covers.

When Donna, Eric, and I are in the basement, we discuss how they are going to tell Donna's parents. She scared to do it so Eric says they should do it together. But when they try to go, Eric is too scared to go over to Donna's house to tell her parents.

Finally, after mustering up enough courage, the two head over to Donna's. Eric tries to tell Bob, Donna's dad, that they got caught in the back of the car but before he could Bob threatens Eric saying he better not say what he thinks he is going to say. But Eric goes on and tells Bob. Donna steps up to protect Eric from her dad and says he should thank Eric for being a nice guy and respecting her at all times. Bob leaves furiously but I'm glad that both of my friends told their parents.

Upon getting home, Eric talks to his mom to see if she will get out of bed. When Eric tells her that Red has been making his life miserable she believes him and gets up saying she is just gonna have to get used to his baby boy growing up.

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