Monday, November 21, 2016

Season 2: Episode 18 "Kitty and Eric's Night Out"

Outside the classroom kicking it with Hyde and Kelso in the parking lot, we see a car that has been fogged up from the inside. Kelso, being the idiot that he is, thinks that someone left their hot lunch in the car. Hyde clears things up saying that someone is making out in the car. Suddenly, Hyde's ex-girlfriend, Patty, gets out of the car and awkwardly walks passed us. Curious, Hyde decides to open the door to see who it is and out of the car comes Fez. I think to myself that this is a good thing for Fez. I don't think he has had a girlfriend yet.

Fez, excited from his new girlfriend, thinks it is best to tell the rest of the gang so he heads towards Eric's house. Upon getting to Eric's house with Fez, we walk into a room with Eric, Donna, and Jackie. Eric and Donna are pleased to meet Patty but Jackie takes things a little differently. I wanted to call her out that she totally likes Fez's attention but I decided not to say anything so the whole encounter wouldn't make us look weird in front of Patty. She seems like a nice person as we talk to her more but eventually everybody had to go home, except me. So I stayed for dinner with Eric's family.

At dinner, Eric picks on Hyde in front of his mom and dad, or Kitty and Red Foreman. Eric grills Hyde while his mom asks questions about Patty but Eric doesn't answer her. Red gets upset and tells him to answer his mother but when Kitty says forget about it Red forces Eric to spend time with his mother causing Eric to ask if this is because he didn't want to go shopping with his mom. Hyde and I both stop eating and look at Eric. I'm about to talk some sense into Eric when Hyde suddenly turns the tables on Eric and grills him saying that if he had a mother he would go shopping with her every day because no one loves you like your mom. Hyde throws out a great idea to go watch a movie with his mom and I encourage him to go do it. It's settled, Eric and his mom are going on a date to watch Annie Hall.

After dinner we head back downstairs and everyone is there chilling on the couches watching T.V. and reading magazines. Jackie tries to talk to Patty but Fez interrupts and takes Patty out for dinner. I can see in Jackie's face that she is not happy with Fez and she says she doesn't like Patty and why they have to be nice to her. She is jealous everyone can tell, except for Kelso because you know, he's an airhead.

Eric goes out with his mom to go see the movie while I tag along with Hyde to go to work. Eric didn't seem to thrilled about going but I'm sure he will have a change of heart.

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