Monday, November 21, 2016

Season 2: Episode 16 "The First Time"

Good news! Donna's parents are renewing their wedding vows. For Kelso, this is troubling news because he thinks Jackie will go on and on about how their wedding is going to be. I think to myself that Kelso is in the doghouse so he should tread lightly about what he says. Kelso and Jackie have opposing ideas of how the wedding is going to play out but the one thing that gets Kelso is the pink and purple china plates with unicorns that all the guests will eat off of. That doesn't seem very fitting for a wedding. Now that I think about it more, none of their ideas seem ideal for a wedding at all.

Tagging along with Eric, we go to Donna's house to help her write vows for her parents. While trying to figure out some vows Donna's parents walk in and ask us how things are going. We talk to them for a bit and they bring up the vows. Donna's dad, Bob, says he wants his first vow to be a wedding is a nice way to spend a day. I'm holding back my laughter at how ridiculous the vow is but Bob is very serious about writing it down so Donna writes it down. I know this is going to be a tough one for Donna.

As we are getting ready for the rehearsal dinner, Kelso says ever since he set Jackie's house on fire she has been acting really weird. I want to tell him "Of course, because you set her house on fire!". But before I can, Eric puts it straight saying that when he tries to get things good with Donna he doesn't set her house on fire but Kelso brushes it off like it was nothing. Man, this guy is pretty dumb.

The wedding has finally come. As I'm sitting in the seats waiting for it to start I can see that Donna is more relaxed than she was the day before. I know those vows were hard for her to write since her parents were telling her to write things that weren't vows. I'm pretty sure Eric helped her out or gave her some sort of encouragement as I saw them both talking about the vows.

Across the room I can see Kelso give Jackie a present. It's the pink and purple china plate with unicorns on it. Now they are back together and things seem to be semi-normal. What a weird relationship they have but hey, good for them.

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