Monday, November 21, 2016

Season 2: Episode 15 "Burning Down the House"

The gang is back together! After what feels like several years I finally catch up with my good pals Eric, Donna, Kelso, Jackie, Hyde, and Fez for a house party. Jackie invites a few of us over with special invitation cards for some of us but she forgot about Hyde, Fez, and I. It's okay, we'll just show up and surprise her at her party later. Fez decides that he is going home to get ready for the party and I head out with him so I can show up in the semi-formal-casual attire that Jackie is asking for. It sounds like a weird party since I've never worn semi-formal-casual (and I don't know what it is or if it is even a thing) but I go along with it to make Jackie happy. She likes to have things her way and sometimes it's best not to argue with her over the little things.

Fez, Hyde, and I get to the party and knock on the door. Jackie doesn't seem too thrilled to see us and asks Kelso why we are here. Kelso, not being the smartest guy, tells Jackie that he invited us because he is always trying to do what she wants from him so he tried being mannerly by inviting fifteen or so people. Honestly, I think Jackie has unrealistic expectations of Kelso because he doesn't completely understand everything that she wants from him but I see his efforts. However, in this attempt to make things right. Kelso throws his lit cigar in the trash can in frustration to try and fix things for Jackie. When he tries to kick people out of the house, the trash is lit on fire and now he has a bigger problem on his hands. Things don't seem to be going the right way with Jackie and Kelso's relationship. With Kelso ruining Jackie's party and almost setting her house on fire, Jackie tells Kelso that she is beginning to think he will never make her happy and that she needs time to do a lot of thinking. I'm sorry Kelso, but I"m with Jackie on this one.

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