Monday, November 21, 2016

Season 2: Episode 17 "Afterglow"

Donna's parents said their vows, Kelso and Jackie are back together, Donna and Eric left after the vows were said, and now I'm mixing unfinished drinks with Fez and Hyde. As Donna and Eric return to the reception, Bob asks how they are both doing. They act a little out of character and when I see Jackie approach Donna she instantly knows what Donna had just done. The two girls head outside and discuss what is going on as I continue to hang out and finish people's unwanted drinks with Fez and Hyde.

After the reception Hyde, Fez, Eric, and I head back to Eric's house to chill out in the basement. Hyde asks why Eric is grinning so much while we are watching T.V. I have my suspicions but I'm not entirely sure if they are right. Hyde, not afraid to ask any questions, thinks that Eric and Donna finally did it. Eric comes clean ans goes on about how magical the moment was. I sort of lose interest in his explanation until Kelso reveals Donna told Jackie that Eric was lame in the sack. However, Kelso never really thinks things through and says Eric can't tell Donna or Jackie because she will get pissed. 

Well, Jackie ends up finding out and runs into Eric and I outside telling us that Kelso was not great his first time either. That seems to make Eric feel a little better about himself and we head back down to the basement where we have a session.We try to help Eric by throwing out ideas that he could possibly try but they are nothing more than just ideas. Hopefully everything rolls over with Eric and Donna's situation. Not everyone is great their first time. I think Eric is over thinking the whole thing way too much. I was going to tell him that he just need to stop worrying about it and that he should just have fun but he took off to go talk to Donna.

Walking around Eric's house trying to talk to him, I hear something upstairs. It sounds like it is Donna and Eric getting freaky. I am not going to bother them. Perhaps this time it will be better for Eric. Who knows. For now I am just going to leave the house to go hangout with Fez and Hyde. Maybe soon this will all be in the past.

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