Monday, November 21, 2016

Season 2: Episode 20 "Kiss of Death"

Coming back from the movies with Donna and Eric, they say goodnight to each other and Donna's cat, Mr. Bonkers. Red comes out and I can feel that he is not happy with something that Eric did. Sure enough, Red tells Eric to move the car from the driveway into the garage. Eric moves the car but hits something so he steps out and looks. What he finds is Mr. Bonkers who has been squashed underneath the car wheel.

The next day Eric is outside his garage sweeping up the mess from last night. When Donna comes out of no where I can see the fear in his eyes and face when she asks if he has seen Mr. Bonkers. Eric plays dumb but the whole time I'm just watching hoping that he will come clean about the accident but he doesn't. This makes me think if this friend group likes lying to each other until it blows up in their face. Why won't they just come forward with the truth?

Sitting around the dinner table with Eric, Laurie (Eric's sister), Red, Kitty, and Hyde brings a group discussion on how to tell Donna about Mr. Bonkers. Red says to just tell her but he thinks the whole thing is hilarious so he is no help. Laurie is just picking on him for killing her cat and Hyde is not contributing because he typically likes to see these things play out themselves. So the only real help is Eric's mom, Kitty. She tells him to tell Donna what really happened since it is the right thing to do.

Later on that night, Eric goes over to Donna's house and surprises her with a kitten and also tells her he killed Mr. Bonkers. Donna doesn't respond well because she realizes that Eric knew when she was looking for him so she storms out and Eric heads back home where he finds Hyde and Fez in the basement.

In the basement, Jackie barges in telling the group that Kelso has been cheating on her. All the guys know about it but lie to her so they don't get on her bad side. She leaves frustrated but Fez decides that since Jackie is single he is going to go after her. That is until he has to be hospitalized.

With Fez in the hospital, Eric, Hyde, Kelso and I sit around him before he gets his appendix removed. Fez is high on pain pills, Kelso is upset that Jackie broke up with him, and Eric is still confused that Donna is mad at him for trying to do the right thing when he killed her cat. But he killed her cat, so she should have the right to be upset.

However, Jackie shines some light on Donna's situation saying the Eric put off telling her something because he didn't want to hurt her. Jackie is right. Eric was trying to do the nice thing. Then Jackie says that is much worse than him cheating on her with another woman.

Finally, the next day Red and Eric head over to Donna's to formally apologize for the loss of their cat. Eric tells Donna that he is sorry about not telling her sooner and Donna responds that she understands what he was trying to do but they need to be more honest with each other. All is forgiven between the two and the come clean with a few funny things they have done. A special moment between the two that reinforces their relationship. But on the other hand, Kelso and Jackie have a terrible fallout in front of Hyde, Donna, Eric, and I. Kelso tries to get her back but Jackie finally says no. Normally, I feel bad for Kelso, even though he is not all there, but this time I believe Jackie did the right thing by putting her foot down so she won't be walked over by Kelso. Yeah, she can be a huge nag at some points but hopefully, the end of this relationship will bring a new Jackie.

Season 2: Episode 19 "Parents Find Out"

When Eric and Donna get caught making love in the back of the car and is brought back to Eric's house by the police, I am caught in the middle of a situation where Eric tries to weasel his way out of telling his parents that they were doing things. I try to tell Eric that lying is not going to get him out of his current situation and that he should come forward with the truth. Nope, Red, Eric's dad, knows all to well what happened and wants them to come clean. Donna, being the clear-headed of the two, tells Red that they are adults and they made the decision. I agree with Donna but before she can go any further Red tells her to tell her parents. Donna goes home at dinner and tries to let them know but she ends up lying to her parents and she puts herself in a bigger hole than Eric.

Meanwhile, Kitty is having a bad dream about her little boy growing up and becoming obsessed with sex. She thinks that Eric only wants to have sex with Donna and does not need his mother for anything but when Red wakes her up he asks her to get out of bed because it was three in the afternoon. She thinks that Red is accusing her because as a nurse she would always showing Eric anatomical diagrams and pictures. Red shows himself out realizing it probably best to leave and Kitty goes underneath the covers.

When Donna, Eric, and I are in the basement, we discuss how they are going to tell Donna's parents. She scared to do it so Eric says they should do it together. But when they try to go, Eric is too scared to go over to Donna's house to tell her parents.

Finally, after mustering up enough courage, the two head over to Donna's. Eric tries to tell Bob, Donna's dad, that they got caught in the back of the car but before he could Bob threatens Eric saying he better not say what he thinks he is going to say. But Eric goes on and tells Bob. Donna steps up to protect Eric from her dad and says he should thank Eric for being a nice guy and respecting her at all times. Bob leaves furiously but I'm glad that both of my friends told their parents.

Upon getting home, Eric talks to his mom to see if she will get out of bed. When Eric tells her that Red has been making his life miserable she believes him and gets up saying she is just gonna have to get used to his baby boy growing up.

Season 2: Episode 18 "Kitty and Eric's Night Out"

Outside the classroom kicking it with Hyde and Kelso in the parking lot, we see a car that has been fogged up from the inside. Kelso, being the idiot that he is, thinks that someone left their hot lunch in the car. Hyde clears things up saying that someone is making out in the car. Suddenly, Hyde's ex-girlfriend, Patty, gets out of the car and awkwardly walks passed us. Curious, Hyde decides to open the door to see who it is and out of the car comes Fez. I think to myself that this is a good thing for Fez. I don't think he has had a girlfriend yet.

Fez, excited from his new girlfriend, thinks it is best to tell the rest of the gang so he heads towards Eric's house. Upon getting to Eric's house with Fez, we walk into a room with Eric, Donna, and Jackie. Eric and Donna are pleased to meet Patty but Jackie takes things a little differently. I wanted to call her out that she totally likes Fez's attention but I decided not to say anything so the whole encounter wouldn't make us look weird in front of Patty. She seems like a nice person as we talk to her more but eventually everybody had to go home, except me. So I stayed for dinner with Eric's family.

At dinner, Eric picks on Hyde in front of his mom and dad, or Kitty and Red Foreman. Eric grills Hyde while his mom asks questions about Patty but Eric doesn't answer her. Red gets upset and tells him to answer his mother but when Kitty says forget about it Red forces Eric to spend time with his mother causing Eric to ask if this is because he didn't want to go shopping with his mom. Hyde and I both stop eating and look at Eric. I'm about to talk some sense into Eric when Hyde suddenly turns the tables on Eric and grills him saying that if he had a mother he would go shopping with her every day because no one loves you like your mom. Hyde throws out a great idea to go watch a movie with his mom and I encourage him to go do it. It's settled, Eric and his mom are going on a date to watch Annie Hall.

After dinner we head back downstairs and everyone is there chilling on the couches watching T.V. and reading magazines. Jackie tries to talk to Patty but Fez interrupts and takes Patty out for dinner. I can see in Jackie's face that she is not happy with Fez and she says she doesn't like Patty and why they have to be nice to her. She is jealous everyone can tell, except for Kelso because you know, he's an airhead.

Eric goes out with his mom to go see the movie while I tag along with Hyde to go to work. Eric didn't seem to thrilled about going but I'm sure he will have a change of heart.

Season 2: Episode 17 "Afterglow"

Donna's parents said their vows, Kelso and Jackie are back together, Donna and Eric left after the vows were said, and now I'm mixing unfinished drinks with Fez and Hyde. As Donna and Eric return to the reception, Bob asks how they are both doing. They act a little out of character and when I see Jackie approach Donna she instantly knows what Donna had just done. The two girls head outside and discuss what is going on as I continue to hang out and finish people's unwanted drinks with Fez and Hyde.

After the reception Hyde, Fez, Eric, and I head back to Eric's house to chill out in the basement. Hyde asks why Eric is grinning so much while we are watching T.V. I have my suspicions but I'm not entirely sure if they are right. Hyde, not afraid to ask any questions, thinks that Eric and Donna finally did it. Eric comes clean ans goes on about how magical the moment was. I sort of lose interest in his explanation until Kelso reveals Donna told Jackie that Eric was lame in the sack. However, Kelso never really thinks things through and says Eric can't tell Donna or Jackie because she will get pissed. 

Well, Jackie ends up finding out and runs into Eric and I outside telling us that Kelso was not great his first time either. That seems to make Eric feel a little better about himself and we head back down to the basement where we have a session.We try to help Eric by throwing out ideas that he could possibly try but they are nothing more than just ideas. Hopefully everything rolls over with Eric and Donna's situation. Not everyone is great their first time. I think Eric is over thinking the whole thing way too much. I was going to tell him that he just need to stop worrying about it and that he should just have fun but he took off to go talk to Donna.

Walking around Eric's house trying to talk to him, I hear something upstairs. It sounds like it is Donna and Eric getting freaky. I am not going to bother them. Perhaps this time it will be better for Eric. Who knows. For now I am just going to leave the house to go hangout with Fez and Hyde. Maybe soon this will all be in the past.

Season 2: Episode 16 "The First Time"

Good news! Donna's parents are renewing their wedding vows. For Kelso, this is troubling news because he thinks Jackie will go on and on about how their wedding is going to be. I think to myself that Kelso is in the doghouse so he should tread lightly about what he says. Kelso and Jackie have opposing ideas of how the wedding is going to play out but the one thing that gets Kelso is the pink and purple china plates with unicorns that all the guests will eat off of. That doesn't seem very fitting for a wedding. Now that I think about it more, none of their ideas seem ideal for a wedding at all.

Tagging along with Eric, we go to Donna's house to help her write vows for her parents. While trying to figure out some vows Donna's parents walk in and ask us how things are going. We talk to them for a bit and they bring up the vows. Donna's dad, Bob, says he wants his first vow to be a wedding is a nice way to spend a day. I'm holding back my laughter at how ridiculous the vow is but Bob is very serious about writing it down so Donna writes it down. I know this is going to be a tough one for Donna.

As we are getting ready for the rehearsal dinner, Kelso says ever since he set Jackie's house on fire she has been acting really weird. I want to tell him "Of course, because you set her house on fire!". But before I can, Eric puts it straight saying that when he tries to get things good with Donna he doesn't set her house on fire but Kelso brushes it off like it was nothing. Man, this guy is pretty dumb.

The wedding has finally come. As I'm sitting in the seats waiting for it to start I can see that Donna is more relaxed than she was the day before. I know those vows were hard for her to write since her parents were telling her to write things that weren't vows. I'm pretty sure Eric helped her out or gave her some sort of encouragement as I saw them both talking about the vows.

Across the room I can see Kelso give Jackie a present. It's the pink and purple china plate with unicorns on it. Now they are back together and things seem to be semi-normal. What a weird relationship they have but hey, good for them.

Season 2: Episode 15 "Burning Down the House"

The gang is back together! After what feels like several years I finally catch up with my good pals Eric, Donna, Kelso, Jackie, Hyde, and Fez for a house party. Jackie invites a few of us over with special invitation cards for some of us but she forgot about Hyde, Fez, and I. It's okay, we'll just show up and surprise her at her party later. Fez decides that he is going home to get ready for the party and I head out with him so I can show up in the semi-formal-casual attire that Jackie is asking for. It sounds like a weird party since I've never worn semi-formal-casual (and I don't know what it is or if it is even a thing) but I go along with it to make Jackie happy. She likes to have things her way and sometimes it's best not to argue with her over the little things.

Fez, Hyde, and I get to the party and knock on the door. Jackie doesn't seem too thrilled to see us and asks Kelso why we are here. Kelso, not being the smartest guy, tells Jackie that he invited us because he is always trying to do what she wants from him so he tried being mannerly by inviting fifteen or so people. Honestly, I think Jackie has unrealistic expectations of Kelso because he doesn't completely understand everything that she wants from him but I see his efforts. However, in this attempt to make things right. Kelso throws his lit cigar in the trash can in frustration to try and fix things for Jackie. When he tries to kick people out of the house, the trash is lit on fire and now he has a bigger problem on his hands. Things don't seem to be going the right way with Jackie and Kelso's relationship. With Kelso ruining Jackie's party and almost setting her house on fire, Jackie tells Kelso that she is beginning to think he will never make her happy and that she needs time to do a lot of thinking. I'm sorry Kelso, but I"m with Jackie on this one.